Product News
Guangdong Embedsky Technology Co., Ltd.is a professional manufacturer of providing high-quality embedded products (including embedded software or hardware development tools) and perfect solution,OEM or ODM.It is committed to the development and application of ARM kernel series CPU,customiz-ed to provid the low power consumption, strong targeted and cost-effective embedded products.
At present,specifically,the baords are Samsung series:ARM9(TQ2416)、ARM11(TQ6410)、Cortex A8(TQ210,E8)、Cortex A9(TQ4418)、CortexA53(TQ6818);TI series:TQ335X(TQ335XC,TQ335XB),NXP series(I.MX6Q,I.MX6UL,E9).
Tel : 020-38373101 31143562
E-mail : sales@embedsky.net
Fax : 020-31143562转816
尊敬的客户: 2017年端午节将至,根据国家节日规定,我司时间如下:2017 年 5 月 28 日至 2017 年 5 月 30 日(